Ana’s Podcast
Hi there! I am happy your search led you here, because this is exactly where mine led me. My curiosity has always had me digging deep in hopes of getting to the bottom of whatever question I had at hand - whether it’s how to recreate a recipe I liked, or why I am experiencing emotions I am experiencing right now, or why WE are here on this planet in this moment in time. So let’s unpack it together!

Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
A spontaneous visit turned deep podcast episode? Yes, Please!
Meet Tammy Stroeble, a dear friend of mine. As we set down over tea and started going deeper into the conversation, I realized it was an important one to share. We talked about loving ourselves, and saying "no", the generational patterns, and how they affected us, relationships, and living in this world. So here we go, A conversation with a friend. Enjoy!

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Tuesday Sep 05, 2023
Trying somerhing new today. Had some thoughts to share, but I'm nowhere near my recording equipment, so let's go on a walk together and have a chat!

Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
This episode might be mainly intended for my actor friends out there, who might be feeling lost as the industry has come to a halt today because SAG's negotiations with AMPTP failed to come to any result. This is a challenging time, and I have a solution! So listen up!

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
When I find myself in a funk, I have noticed that it's usually one of two things - I am either experiencing a burnout or resistance. So I am bringing this perspective to you in this episode in hopes that it will help you get out of the funk you might be currently finding yourself in.
IG @anablacken

Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Thursday Jan 12, 2023
Today, I share with you two short but uber powerful practices that are guaranteed to change your life for the better in 2023! Yep, I am that sure in them, because they had such a tremendous effect of my life, I just had to share!
PS. Looks like I can only add 500 characters to my episode description, which is about 3 times less than that of the Oath, so I will post it on my Instagram. Head on over to IG @anablacken and you'll find it there. Cheers!

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
There are so many different renditions of that chatter in our heads. It's called a vulture, the Devil, the side of us that wants us to fail...the Ego...And there are so many ways to deal with it too. And today, I share with you my different, less popular opinion on ego and how I have learnt to "deal" with mine.
I want to start an open conversation on it and it is important for me to hear your thoughts on the topic. You can find me on IG @anablacken.